10 Ways to Royally F*** Up Any Health & Fitness Goal

Olie Moore
2 min readJul 28, 2020

Here are 10 simple steps to sabotage your relationship with exercise,training, nutrition……. even people. Enjoy >>

Photo by John Fornander on Unsplash
  1. Create a ridiculous and unsustainable training plan where you go from training 6–8 times a month to 25!
  2. Demonise every food group for absolutely no reason. Carbs are bad, Fats are bad, Protein is bad. Might as well say water is bad as you’re at it!
  3. Using what the scales say as gospel to how you go about your day. Ie if you’ve put on a lb, your day is ruined and why bother, right?
  4. Reduce your calorie intake so much that you’re practically starving and are tired, miserable, super stressed and have no sex drive. But that what it takes to get results right?
  5. Weights make you big and bulky, so instead part-take in hours, upon of hours of mindless cardio which makes you bored out of your brain
  6. Do the form of training that you hate and stick it out because you’re hardcore
  7. Disconnect yourself from the relationships that matter the most to you because your on a quest for a “beach bod” and will stop at nothing until you get there
  8. Don’t EVER have any foods or drinks that you enjoy because that will cause you to get FAT (links closely to point 2)
  9. Make others feel bad and make fun of them because they’re not “health and fitness” orientated like you
  10. You give up 90% of the things that mean a lot to you to get in the gym at every opportunity even though you know it’s changing who you are as a person

I hope that this might have caused a little humour and a bit of reverse psychology for those that now understand how ridiculous some of the regimes people put themselves through. Albeit through mislead information and fads that circulate online.

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Olie Moore

Personal Trainer. Fat Loss Coach. Co-owner of The Shredquarters Brighton @shredquartersbrighton